Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cubby's political advisor

This is Boo, Cubby's walking buddy.  Every time they go for a walk the conversation turns to politics.  Sometimes Cubby gets a little excited about the issues and Boo has to intervene with some common sense perspective.  Without it Cubby would not be able to relax and enjoy his bone when he gets home!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pickle in Maine

This is Pickle who lives in Maine and invited me to come visit for a week so I could take her Mom shopping to find sweet potato treats for dogs!! Finally on the last day we found them, so now I can go home knowing we completed our mission!!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Angus was one of the pets I cared for. He never saw a tennis ball he didn't love. Angus passed away last week. I know his family misses him, and so do I.

Angus, buddy, I know that you are in that place where you can chase tennis balls all day long with no pain.

Lynn and Jim, thank you so much for sharing Angus with me.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Oh Freckles

Freckles is the other drama queen in the house! If Hot Shot gets too close, she screams like she is being abused...and she is really loud. But Freckles had a tough start in life: she was found in the parking lot of a restaurant with a broken leg when she was just a kitten. A nice lady took her home and got her leg fixed, but it never really healed, so she walks with a limp and someone has to help her scratch her ear on that side! But that didn't stop her from annoying a big old tom cat that used to live with her! OC hated that kitten but Freckles thought he was her uncle so she loved to try to play with him. Bad idea!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dodger's Cat: Hotshot

Hotshot is kind of funny. He says "man" and "dude" a lot, but I'm not sure what the accent is. Maybe it's Dallas suburb or Corpus Island, who knows, but he talks way too much- especially at 5:30 in the morning! Dodger and Hotshot have been buddies for about 10 years, so they occasionally give each other a bath, which is much easier for Dodger. Hotshot thinks that living with a buch of female cats is crazy...until he corners one of them and they start yelling. It's kind of like that thing kids do to their siblings- I'm not touching you!!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Meet Dodger

This is Dodger. He was adopted by an older lady when he was about 6 mos old, and she was told he was an Australian Shepherd who would weigh about 20 lbs. Dodger ended up being a German Shepherd/Husky mix who weighed 75lbs and took his human for walks. He came here when his owner passed away. He came with his backpack, bowl, toys and bed all neatly marked with his name. Oh yeah- and he brought his cat too! You'll meet Hot Shot next week. Dodger is 15 now and yells at Cubby and Max when they get too rowdy. He is great and thanks to him we never have crumbs on the floor!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baby aka EMO

This is baby. Does her face look swollen? It is, because thats what Baby does when things are not going her way. See, Baby is head kitty in a house full of cats, dogs and visiting cats and dogs but she wants to be an only kitty just like her real sister, Tiger...who she is planning to put up for adoption soon. Baby is a touch moody and she really enjoys her dark moods- she thinks they make her seem sensitive. Maybe that's why her face is swollen...it's her sensitivity!!

Friday, March 11, 2011


This is Tiger, better known as the prom queen. Her routine is to sit on my lap in the morning on my bed while I drink my coffee and tell her how beautiful she is. But Max, Cubby's best friend who is still visiting us, likes to wrestle with Cubby on the bed and rolls over Miss Tiger, which is very annoying to her so she has leave. Her look says it all...WHEN is he leaving???

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cubby's best friend Max

This is Max, who came to stay a week ago when his human mom went to have a baby. And he's still here!

Now this is Cubby, he loves having Max here to get into trouble with. Best fun is jumping on the human at 5:30 in the morning. He never thinks of fun stuff like that when Max isn't here!!

Have a great Monday...Friday will be here soon!